07833 746550 info@penetron.co.uk


Residential Basement

Somerset, UK

Following the new NHBC guidelines for Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures which calls for the provision of a watertight concrete, Penetron Admix was added to this newly build below ground RC basement floor slab and walls.

Products Used – Penetron Admix

Penetron Admix was added to the normal ready mix concrete and after normal curing time provided a total watertight concrete with self-healing capabilities for future protection.

Service Tunnel

Residential Below Ground Swimming Pool

The service tunnel was subject to varying amounts of rising ground water, resulting in restricted access.

Products used – Penecrete Mortar, Penetron.

All concrete and block surfaces were jet washed clean and minor cracks filled with Penecrete Mortar. All surfaces were given 2 coats of Penetron which resulted in a perfectly dry service tunnel.

Residential Basement

Rotherham, UK

This basement suffered from increasing amounts of water penetration at different times of the year.

Products used – Penecrete Mortar, Penetron.

All surfaces were cleaned with a wire brush and jet washed to provide an open pore surface. Minor cracks and joints between floors and walls were filled with Penecrete Mortar and finished with 2 coats of Penetron.

Future Growth Project

KAZAKHSTAN – Designed in the UK for Chevron Oil

This joint venture project under the design of Fluor UK at their Farnborough UK offices, requires the production of 300,000 cubic metres of concrete to upgrade the production facilities from the current 200/300,000 Barrels of oil per day to 1,000,000 barrels per day.

Products used – Penetron Admix.

Penetron Admix is specified to be added to all concrete to provide totally watertight concrete and extend the service life of all concrete structures

Lynn Onn Reservoir

Dee Valley Water, Wrexham, North Wales

Built in 1943 the reservoir will be demolished and replaced by a newly constructed reservoir. To extend its current service life whilst the new reservoir is being constructed Penetron products were chosen to repair active leaks and general crack repairs.

Products used – Peneplug, Penecrete Mortar.

All active leaks were treated with Penetron Peneplug and general cracks filled with Penecrete Mortar.

Penetron Admix will be used in the construction of the new reservoir.

Solar Power Farms

Various UK Locations

Due to varying ground water levels and hydrostatic water pressures in different locations, Penetron products were chosen to waterproof all concrete slabs, upstands and pipe penetrations.

Products used – Penecrete Mortar, Penetron.

Minor cracks and spalled areas in the foundation slabs and walls were filled with Penecrete Mortar and all surfaces treated with 2 coats of brush applied Penetron.This basement suffered from increasing amounts of water penetration at different times of the year.